There are many reasons to invest in security fencing, from protecting property to protecting the public and more. If you think you need security fencing, you might be wondering which direction to go in.
As with anything, your choice will depend on your purpose, preferences, and budget. If you need help deciding what fencing is right for you, or simply want to know what the options are, take a look at our overview of security fencing types and their possible uses.
Timber Fencing
Wooden fencing has two main benefits – it’s cost-effective and attractive. Timber provides the most natural and aesthetically pleasing type of fencing. Wood is easier to work with and as a result, cheaper. Ideal for modest yet still effective security.
Any fencing will work effectively for basic security and as a reasonable deterrent. Depending on the type of timber, construction, and height, it will still serve as a sturdy defence against unwanted access.
The downside to timber fencing is that it will not last as long as steel or other metals. It is more easily weathered or broken by force.
Timber fencing may be used best to ward off intruders or mark boundaries in a long-term but non-essential capacity, such as deterring vandals or dissuading loiterers. For safeguarding the public, valuable equipment, or important sites, stronger options may be required.
Metal or wooden hoarding consists of large flat panels with no gaps in between. The fencing is very secure and prevents visibility to avoid prying eyes. It is particularly useful around hazardous building or groundworks construction sites, as it is temporary but remains a strong deterrent and security measure.
Hoarding can also be painted because of its flat panels, to make it more aesthetically pleasing.
Palisade Fencing
Palisade fencing is among the most effective and expensive types of security fencing. It comprises a length of vertical steel bars with spiked tops. Palisade is extremely difficult to climb and therefore offers hard-to-beat security. It is also customizable in terms of look and security function or height, making it an appealing option for heavier security or slightly more attractive fencing than other options.
Palisade is a very sturdy, permanent solution that could be useful around public buildings, industry buildings, private premises, or potentially dangerous permanent features such as electrical units.
Chain Link, Heras, and Mesh Panel
These types of security fences provide moderate security at a relatively low cost, with varying levels of attractiveness. All use steel wire composition between posts. Heras is used as a relatively attractive, temporary security fencing useful for outdoor events.
Chain link and mesh panels offer robust, permanent solutions at relatively low cost.
Who Should You Hire for Installation?
For fencing that requires supporting posts in concrete dug into the ground, or dug up again if temporary, you could benefit from a fencing company that also specialises in groundworks services. RKC Contractors are experienced groundworks contractors, as well as security fencing contractors and landscapers.
The crossover between these areas means we can provide the fullest, expert service when securing fencing into the ground. If you’re seeking security fencing, no matter the purpose, we can help. Get in contact with RKC Contractors today.